8:40-9:40 9:40-10:40 10:40-11:40 11:40-12:40 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
YD-YOGENDRA DAYMA (PROF.)(History of India, 300 CE to 1200 CE (minor as well) ), KK-KUNDAN KUMAR (DR.)(Medieval Societies: Global Perspectives), BK-BHARAT KUMAR (DR.)(Sanskrit Drama (Major)), PKS-PRASHANT KUMAR SINGH (DR.)((हिंदी ख) ), RMS-RAJ MOHINI SAGAR (PROF.)((हिंदी क) ), SG-SAPNA GOEL (MS.)(Intermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination), SY-SARVJEET YADAV (DR.)(Cultural Transformations in Early Modern Europe- II), KS-KAVITA SINGH (MS.)(Truth Functional Logic), RL-RONALD LALLIENTHANG (MR.)(Greek Philosophy), RSM-RAJVEER SINGH MEENA (MR.)(विमर्श की सामाजिकी और हिंदी साहित्य DSC (MAJOR)), BP-BRAHMA PRAKASH (DR.)( Sanskrit Composition and Communication), BD-BEAUTY DAS (DR.)(Industrial Relations and Labour Laws), PR-PREETI RANI (DR.)(Philosophy of Language), JM-JUSTIN MATHEW (DR.)(Fundamentals of Historical Methodology), PSA-PRABHAL SARAN AGARWAL (DR.)(History of Latin America c. 1500-1960s), AP-ABHISHEK PARASHAR (DR.)(Climate Change and Human History), SKG-SURESH KUMAR GOHE (DR.)(History of Europe: 1870-1945), SM-SEEMA MEENA (MS.)(Speculative Fiction and Detective Fiction), HK-HIMANSHU KUMAR (MR.)(Culture and Theory(BA.P)), PBC-PIYUSH B CHAUDHARY (MR.)(),
Lectures : 3 Tutorials : 22 Labs : 0 Total : 25
ConvenerTeacher InchargePrincipal
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