8:40-9:40 9:40-10:40 10:40-11:40 11:40-12:40 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
S-SONAM (MS.)(Basic Statistics for Economics), RMS-RAJ MOHINI SAGAR (PROF.)((हिंदी क) ), AKK-ALKA KACKER (MS.)(Intermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination), SY-SARVJEET YADAV (DR.)(Cultural Transformations in Early Modern Europe- II), CN-CHIRANJEEV NUNISA (MR.)(History of India c. 1550-1700 (Minor as well)), GB-GYANASRI BORUAH (DR.)( Dharmshastrik Studies (MINOR )), NC- NEERA CHOPRA (DR.)(Industrial Relations), B-BARKHA (DR.)(Company Law), NS-NEETU SHARMA (DR.)(हिंदी उपन्यास ), RKT-RAJESH KUMAR TRIPATHI (DR.)(Ethics and Values in ancient Indian tradition), HB-HIMANSHU BAGDI (DR.)(Human Resource Development), MD-MITHURAAJ DHUSIYA (DR.)(Culture and Theory), AD-ARNAB DASGUPTA (MR.)(Culture and Theory), PD-PRACHEE DEWRI (DR.)(Indian Classical Literature), PBC-PIYUSH B CHAUDHARY (MR.)(Life and Literature), SBM-SANTOSHI BHAWANI MISHRA (DR.)(English Language Through Literature IICreative Writing , ), SS-SHARMILA SHRIVASTAVA (DR.)(History of India VIII: c. 1857-1950), RV-RICHA VERMA (DR.)(Foundations of Computer Graphics), MM-MEENAKSHI MALHOTRA (DR.(MS))(Women's Writing), HK-HIMANSHU KUMAR (MR.)(Graphic Narratives), SH-SANTOSH HASNU (DR.)(History of India 1858-1947 (Minor as well) ), SKC-SHEEL KAMAL CHAURASIA (DR.)(Ethics and Values in ancient Indian tradition),
Lectures : 21 Tutorials : 5 Labs : 0 Total : 26
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