8:40-9:40 9:40-10:40 10:40-11:40 11:40-12:40 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
SBB-SHARMA BHANU BHUPENDRA (PROF.)(Introduction to Indian Philosophy), BD-BEAUTY DAS (DR.)(Performance Management), SG-SAPNA GOEL (MS.)(Intermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination), KM-KAPILA MALLAH (DR.)(Basic Econometrices), SH-SANTOSH HASNU (DR.)(History of India 1858-1947 (Minor as well) , History of India IV: c. 1200-1500), SS-SONAL SHARMA (DR.)(Investment Management), SK-SUDESH KUMARI (DR.)(Leadership Development), B-BARKHA (DR.)(Accounting for Managerial Decision Making), SS-SHARMILA SHRIVASTAVA (DR.)(Rise of the Modern West- II), AP-ABHISHEK PARASHAR (DR.)(History of Modern Japan (c. 1868-1950s) ), S-SONAM (MS.)(Indian Growth and Development), AK-ANJALI KHURANA (DR.)(Indian Growth and Development), G1ENG-GUEST 1 (ENG)(Modern European Drama, American Literature), MD-MITHURAAJ DHUSIYA (DR.)(Women's Writing), HK-HIMANSHU KUMAR (MR.)(Graphic NarrativesIndian Writing in English Translation, ), MM-MEENAKSHI MALHOTRA (DR.(MS))(Graphic Narratives), DP-DIVYA PANDEY (MS.)(Individual and Society), AD-ARNAB DASGUPTA (MR.)(World LiteraturesCreative Writing , ), RKS-RAHUL KUMAR SINHA (MR.)(Individual and Society (BA.P)), SM-SEEMA MEENA (MS.)(English Language Through Literature II), MB-MAITRI BARUAH (MS.)(World Literatures), NC-NABANITA CHARKROBORTY (MS.)(Speculative Fiction and Detective Fiction), AD-ANCHAL DAHIYA (DR.)(Digital Communication II),
Lectures : 21 Tutorials : 11 Labs : 0 Total : 32
ConvenerTeacher InchargePrincipal
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