8:40-9:40 9:40-10:40 10:40-11:40 11:40-12:40 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
PO-PRABHANSU OJHA (DR.)(), RG-RITIKA GROVER (DR.)(Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Customs Law ), YD-YOGENDRA DAYMA (PROF.)(History of India- II: c. 4th century BCE to 750 CE), SM-SUDIPTA MANDAL (MR.)(History of the USA: Reconstruction to New Age Politics), KK-KUNDAN KUMAR (DR.)(Social Formations and Culutral Patterns of the Medieval World- II ), SKG-SURESH KUMAR GOHE (DR.)(Delhi through the Ages: From Colonial to Contemporary Times), MD-MITHURAAJ DHUSIYA (DR.)(Literature of the Indian Diaspora), G1ENG-GUEST 1 (ENG)(20th Century Drama), AP-ABHISHEK PARASHAR (DR.)(Reading the Archives), PSA-PRABHAL SARAN AGARWAL (DR.)(Media and Cinema Reading the Archives, ), MM-MEENAKSHI MALHOTRA (DR.(MS))(Literature of the Indian Diaspora), MB-MAITRI BARUAH (MS.)(20th Century Drama), SMS-SIMRAN SETHI (MS.)(Principles of Macroeconomics I), RR-ROMILA RAWAT (DR.)(Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism), PK-PREETINDER KAUR (DR.)(Corporate Governance),
Lectures : 25 Tutorials : 9 Labs : 0 Total : 34
ConvenerTeacher InchargePrincipal
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