8:40-9:40 9:40-10:40 10:40-11:40 11:40-12:40 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
HK-HEMA KAPUR (DR.)(Introductory Macroeconomics, Introductory Macroeconomics ), KSK-K. SUCHARITA KHUNTIA (MS.)(Introductory Macroeconomics), BK-BHARAT KUMAR (DR.)(Sanskrit Prose (Minor ), Sanskrit-B (Intermediate) Upanishad and Geeta), BD-BEAUTY DAS (DR.)(Principle of Management), AKK-ALKA KACKER (MS.)(Intermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination), AK-ANJALI KHURANA (DR.)(Indian Economy), MG-MANSI GUPTA (MS.)(Indian Economy, Intermediate Microeconomics II:Market, Government and Welfare ), BK-BAL KRISHAN (DR.)(Indian Economy), VV-VAISHALI VERMA (MS.)(Basic Statistics for Economics), VKM-VINOD KUMAR MAYALA (DR.)(Sectoral issues in Indian Economy), SG-SAPNA GOEL (MS.)(Public Finance in India), KM-KAPILA MALLAH (DR.)(Research Methodology), S-SONAM (MS.)(Intermediate Mathematical Methods for Economics), DK-DHEERAJ KUMAR (DR.)(Artificial Intelligence ), DY-DEEPSHIKHA YADAV (MS.)(Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Customs Law ), SM-SUDIPTA MANDAL (MR.)(Gender in Indian History, cv. 1500-1950 ), B-BARKHA (DR.)(Business Analytics ), HB-HIMANSHU BAGDI (DR.)(Business Analytics ), PBC-PIYUSH B CHAUDHARY (MR.)(18th Century Literature), G-AD-ASHISH DIXIT(QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND SPECTROSCOPY), SMS-SIMRAN SETHI (MS.)(International Trade), AG-APOORVA GUPTA (DR.)(Intermediate Microeconomics II:Market, Government and Welfare ),
Lectures : 21 Tutorials : 8 Labs : 0 Total : 29
ConvenerTeacher InchargePrincipal
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