8:40-9:40 9:40-10:40 10:40-11:40 11:40-12:40 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
SS-SHIVAM SHARMA (MR.)(Introduction to Indian Philosophy), SH-SANTOSH HASNU (DR.)(Basics of Historical Research Methodology), DKS-DEEPAK KUMAR SETHY (MR.)(Philosophical Understanding of Religion), SBB-SHARMA BHANU BHUPENDRA (PROF.)(Indian Ethics ), RKT-RAJESH KUMAR TRIPATHI (DR.)(Indian Ethics ), RKM-R.K MISHRA (PROF.)( Poetics and Literary CriticismIndian Epigraphy II, Modern Sanskrit Literature , ), GB-GYANASRI BORUAH (DR.)(Ancient Indian Polity), SKM-SATESSH K MISHRA (DR.)(Modern Sanskrit Literature ), AK-AVNISH KUMAR (DR.)(Basic Principal of Paninian GrammarArt of Balanced Living (DSE-6), ), VKM-VINOD KUMAR MAYALA (DR.)(Principles of Macroeconomics I), SG-SONAL GUPTA (MS.)(Human Resource Management), MV-MANISHA VERMA (DR.)(Accounting for Managerial Decision Making), RV-RAKSHA VERMA (DR.)(Linear Algebra ), RG-RITIKA GROVER (DR.)(Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Customs Law ), CN-CHIRANJEEV NUNISA (MR.)(Understanding Indian Heritage), MB-MAITRI BARUAH (MS.)(World Literatures), RKS-RAHUL KUMAR SINHA (MR.)(), G-SG-SHAIFALI GARG(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS)),
Lectures : 22 Tutorials : 10 Labs : 1 Total : 33
ConvenerTeacher InchargePrincipal
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