(Linear programmingEnvironmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS), Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS), REAL ANALYSIS, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, DSE Analog Electronics, Abstract Algebra, Parallel Programming, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence , Introduction to Web Programming, Computer Networks, Principal of communication system , Microprocessor , Digital Electronics , Waves and Optics , ), RK-RIDHI KHURANA (DR.)(Genomics Proteomics and Metabolomics, Recombinant DNA Technology and Proteomics, Industrial and Environmental Microbiology, Advanced tools & Analytical Techniques in Plant Biology, Hydroponics and aeroponicsIndustrial and Environmental Microbiology, ), PR-PREETI RANI (DR.)(care ethics, Care Ethics, Texts of Indian Philosophy , Analytic Philosophy, Feminist Perspective on Epistemology and EthicsPhilosophy of Language, Truth Functional Logic, Introduction to Western Philosophy, ), RKT-RAJESH KUMAR TRIPATHI (DR.)(Indian Ethics , Indian Ethics , Texts of Indian Philosophy , Texts of Indian Philosophy , Indian Theories of Consciousness, Philosophy of LanguageEthics and Values in ancient Indian tradition, Introduction to Indian Philosophy, Fundamentals of Philosophy, ), HK-HEMA KAPUR (DR.)(Money & Financial MarketsIntroductory Macroeconomics, Introductory Macroeconomics , ), KSK-K. SUCHARITA KHUNTIA (MS.)(Public Finance in India, Introductory Macroeconomics, Introductory Macroeconomics ), SK-SANJEEV KUMAR (DR.)(Research Methodology, Intermediate Macroeconomics II: Policy Issues (DSC)Financial Literacy, Principles of Macroeconomics I, Introductory Macroeconomics, ), S-SONAM (MS.)(Indian Growth and Development, Basic Statistics for Economics, Intermediate Mathematical Methods for Economics), YD-YOGENDRA DAYMA (PROF.)(History of India, 300 CE to 1200 CE (minor as well) , History of India- II: c. 4th century BCE to 750 CE, ), KK-KUNDAN KUMAR (DR.)(Museum and Museology , Medieval Societies: Global Perspectives, Social Formations and Culutral Patterns of the Medieval World- II , ), NC- NEERA CHOPRA (DR.)(Leadership & Motivation, Industrial Relations, Organisational Behaviour, ), RJ-REETIKA JAIN (PROF.)(Organisational Behaviour, Financial Accounting, Sales Promotion, Financial Management for Beginners, Communication in ManagementCompany Law , ), S-SHALLU (DR.)(Financial Accounting, Business Analytics , Sales Promotion, Company Law , Corporate Accounting , ), SBB-SHARMA BHANU BHUPENDRA (PROF.)(Indian Ethics Truth Functional Logic DSC-12, Indian Ethics , Indian Theories of Consciousness, Bioethics, Introduction to Indian Philosophy, Ethics, ), SS-SHIVAM SHARMA (MR.)(Texts of Indian Philosophy , Philosophical Understanding of Religion, Philosophy of ReligionContemporary Indian Philosophy, Introduction to Indian Philosophy, Greek Philosophy, ), RL-RONALD LALLIENTHANG (MR.)(introduction to Indian PhilosophyTruth Functional Logic DSC-12, Truth Functional Logic DSC-4, Care Ethics, Texts of Indian Philosophy , Greek Philosophy, Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Art of Being Happy, Introduction to Western Philosophy, Greek Philosophy, ), G1 P-G 1 PHILO(introduction to Indian Philosophy, Truth Functional Logic DSC-4, Analytic Philosophy), MKP-MOHIT KUMAR PANDEY (MR.)(Sanskrit B, Indian Aesthetics (Major), Sanskrit Drama (Major), Panchkosh: Holistic development of Personality, Script writing in Sanskrit Dramaturgy, Ancient Indian Polity, Yoga in PracticeCritical Survey of Shastrik Literature , ), BK-BHARAT KUMAR (DR.)(Sanskrit Drama (Major), Sanskrit Prose (Minor ), Sanskrit-B (Intermediate) Upanishad and Geeta, Yoga: Philosophy and Practice, Yoga in PracticeSanskrit Epic, ), KS-KHUSHBOO SHUKLA (DR.)(Sanskrit Prose (Minor ), Acting Skills in Sanskrit Dramaturgy, Fundamental of Buddhist PhilosophySanskrit (Advance)Ancient Indian Economy , Sanskrit-C (Introductory) Inroduction to Sanskrit Language , Yoga in Practice, Critical Survey of Shastrik Literature , ), MPS-M.P. SHARMA (DR.)(), G-SK-SHUBHRA KATHURIA(), SKS-S.K. SHUKLA (PROF.)((हिंदी ग), हिंदी भाषा का व्यावहारिक व्याकरण, ), PKS-PRASHANT KUMAR SINGH (DR.)((हिंदी ख) , सृजनात्मक लेखन , रंगमंच , हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास (आधुनिक काल), ), G3 HN-G 3 HND(अन्य गद्य विधाएं DSC (MAJOR+NON MAJOR), (हिंदी ख) , हिंदी का मौखिक साहित्य और उसकी परंपरा DSC (MAJOR), ), RMS-RAJ MOHINI SAGAR (PROF.)((हिंदी क) , कथेतर गद्य साहित्य , आधुनिक हिंदी कविता छायावाद तक , हिंदी निबंध एवं अन्य गद्य विधाएं , ), G-MO-MANISH OJHA((हिंदी क) , पटकथा लेखन , हिंदी भाषा और विज्ञापन , भारतीय काव्यशास्त्र ), G2 HN-G 2 HND(साहित्य चिंतन DSC (MAJOR+NON MAJOR), हिंदी का मौखिक साहित्य और उसकी परंपरा DSC (MAJOR), हिंदी भाषा और विज्ञापन , ), GKJ-GUNJAN KUMAR JHA(हिंदी कविता : मध्यकाल और आधुनिक काल DSC (MAJOR+NON MAJOR), रंगमंच , हिंदी भाषा : स्वरुप, संरचना एवं इतिहास, ), BD-BEAUTY DAS (DR.)(Performance Management, Principle of Management, Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, ), AKK-ALKA KACKER (MS.)(Intermediate Macroeconomics II: Policy Issues (DSC)Intermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination, ), AM-ANAND MITTAL (PROF.)(Principles of Macroeconomics I, Principles of Macroeconomics IIIntermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination, ), SG-SAPNA GOEL (MS.)(Public Finance in IndiaIntermediate Macroeconomics I: Foundations of Aggregate Income Determination, Intermediate Macroeconomics II: Policy Issues (DSC), Principles of Macroeconomics I, ), KM-KAPILA MALLAH (DR.)(Research MethodologyIndian Economy, Basic Econometrices, ), SY-SARVJEET YADAV (DR.)(Cultural Transformations in Early Modern Europe- II, Gandhi and Education, Indian Society: A Historical Perspective, ), CN-CHIRANJEEV NUNISA (MR.)(Museum and Museology History of India c. 1550-1700 (Minor as well), Understanding Indian Heritage, ), KS-KAVITA SINGH (MS.)(Analytic Philosophy, Epistemology, Truth Functional Logic, Personality Development and Communication, Engaged Buddhism , EthicsFundamentals of Philosophy, ), SKC-SHEEL KAMAL CHAURASIA (DR.)(Texts of Indian Philosophy , Feminist Perspective on Epistemology and Ethics, Epistemology, Ethics and Values in ancient Indian traditionPolitical Leadership and Communication, Greek Philosophy, Engaged Buddhism , Greek Philosophy, ), GB-GYANASRI BORUAH (DR.)( Dharmshastrik Studies (MINOR ), Fundamental of Buddhist PhilosophyAncient Indian Polity, Sanskrit -A (Advance) Neeti Literature in Sanskrit , Critical Survey of Shastrik Literature , ), BP-BRAHMA PRAKASH (DR.)(Art of Balanced Living, Sanskrit Literature:Katha Kavya, Readings from Vedas (Major), Sanskrit Composition and Communication, ), AY-ANSHU YADAV (DR.)(हिंदी स्त्री लेखन, अन्य गद्य विधाएं DSC (MAJOR+NON MAJOR), हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास (आधुनिक काल), ), RKS-RAJESH KR. SHARMA (DR.)(हिंदी नवजागरण , किसी एक साहित्यकार का अध्ययन (भारतेंदु) DSC (MAJOR), हिंदी उपन्यास , आधुनिक हिंदी कविता छायावाद तक , हिंदी कविता (सगुण भक्ति काव्य एवं रीतिकालीन काव्य), ), PO-PRABHANSU OJHA (DR.)(हिंदी नवजागरण , किसी एक साहित्यकार का अध्ययन (भारतेंदु) DSC (MAJOR), कथेतर गद्य साहित्य , ), GK-GAURAV KUMAR (DR.)(), B-BARKHA (DR.)(Emotional Intelligence, Company Law, Business Analytics , Accounting for Managerial Decision Making, Human Resource Development, Business Statistics Communication in Management, ), SSW-SNEHA SURI WADHWA(DR.)(Company Law, Corporate Accounting ), R-RUCHI (MS.)(Emotional Intelligence, Advertising, Brand Management, Cost Accounting , ), AK-ANJALI KHURANA (DR.)(Indian Growth and Development, Indian Growth and DevelopmentIndian Economy, ), SH-SANTOSH HASNU (DR.)(Basics of Historical Research Methodology, History of India 1858-1947 (Minor as well) , History of India IV: c. 1200-1500), SKG-SURESH KUMAR GOHE (DR.)(History of Europe: 1870-1945, Constitutional Values and Fundamental Duites, Delhi through the Ages: From Colonial to Contemporary Times), DKS-DEEPAK KUMAR SETHY (MR.)(Bioethics, Philosophy of religionPhilosophical Understanding of Religion, Bioethics, Text of Western Philosophy, Ethics, ), AK-AVNISH KUMAR (DR.)(Sanskrit Literature:Katha Kavya, Basic Principal of Paninian Grammar, Art of Balanced Living (DSE-6), ), SKM-SATESSH K MISHRA (DR.)(Indian Aesthetics (Major), Sanskrit C (Introductory )Culture and Society , Indian Epigraphy IIModern Sanskrit Literature , ), G-PD-PRATIMA DAGAR(), TK-KAMEIH (TAMPIDUAN)(), G-DY-DEEPIKA YADAV(), NG-NRITYA GOPAL (DR.)(साहित्य चिंतन DSC (MAJOR+NON MAJOR), शोध प्रविधि , भारतीय काव्यशास्त्र , ), RSM-RAJVEER SINGH MEENA (MR.)(विमर्श की सामाजिकी और हिंदी साहित्य DSC (MAJOR), रचनात्मक लेखन, अस्मितामूलक हिंदी साहित्य , ), RKG-RAVI KUMAR GOAN (DR.)(हिंदी बाल साहित्य, रचनात्मक लेखन, शोध प्रविधि , अस्मितामूलक हिंदी साहित्य , ), PKD-PIYUSH KUMAR DWIVEDI (DR.)(भारतीय भक्ति परंपरा और मानव मूल्य, पटकथा लेखन हिंदी गीतिकाव्य, हिंदी उपन्यास , ), R-RAMA (PROF.)(DR.) (पटकथा एवं संवाद लेखन , हिंदी भाषा : स्वरुप, संरचना एवं इतिहास), VKM-VIJAY KUMAR MISHRA (DR.)(पटकथा एवं संवाद लेखन , जनसंचार माध्यम और तकनीक , हिंदी निबंध एवं अन्य गद्य विधाएं , ), NS-NEETU SHARMA (DR.)(हिंदी उपन्यास , हिंदी कविता (सगुण भक्ति काव्य एवं रीतिकालीन काव्य), ), PBC-PIYUSH B CHAUDHARY (MR.)(Individual and Society, Individual and Society, Research Methodology, Reading Indian Fiction in English, Life and Literature, 18th Century Literature, 14th to 17th Century English poetry
Introduction to Literary Studies, ), SNP-S.N. PRASAD (SH.)(Modern European Drama, Culture and Communication , Indian Classical Literature, 18th Century Literature, 14th to 17th Century English poetry
Introduction to Literary Studies, ), VKS-VIKASH KUMAR SINGH (MR.)(Select themes in the History of Education in India, Educational Arrangements and Knowledge in Modern IndiaGandhi and Education, ), MV-MANSI VERMA (DR.)(Evolutionary Biology , Fundamentals of Human Physiology), BB-BEENA BHANDARI (DR.)(Human EndocrinologyHuman Endocrinology, Exploring Animal World , Non-Chordata: Coelomates, ), TS-TEJVEER SINGH (DR.)(RESEARCH METHODOLOGYScience and Society, Research Methodology, Ayurveda &Nutrition, Fundamentals of Biomolecules, ), AT-ANITA THAKUR (DR.)(Animal Biotechnology, Fundamentals of Human PhysiologyCell Growth & Regulation, ), DKG-DINESH KR. GAUTAM (DR.)(Basics of ImmunologyAnimal Biotechnology, ), KC-KAVERI CHAKRABORTY (DR.)(Human EndocrinologyHuman Endocrinology, Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, ), YY-YASHA YADAV (DR.)(Exploring Animal World Developmental Biology , ), DK-DHIRAJ KUMAR (DR.)(Sericulture IIAnimal Behaviour , ), RC-REEMA CHAUDHARY (DR.)(RESEARCH METHODOLOGYIsolation and Characterization of Plasmid DNA, Model Organism in Research, Research Methodology, Methods in Biostatistics, Ayurveda &Nutrition, Cell Growth & Regulation, Animal Behaviour , Economic Zoology, ), PA-POOJA ARORA (DR.)(Basics of ImmunologyMethods in Biostatistics, Developmental Biology , ), SRD-SATYAM RAVI DWIVEDI (DR.)(Research Methodology, Exploring Animal World , Cell Growth & Regulation, Public Health & Hygiene, Economic Zoology, Human Physiology-Control and Coordination SystemsFundamentals of Biomolecules, Non-Chordata: Coelomates, ), KT-KULBHUSHAN THAKUR (DR.)(RESEARCH METHODOLOGYModel Organism in Research, Research Methodology, Cell Growth & Regulation, Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, Economic Zoology, Non-Chordata: Coelomates, ), PM-PRIYANKA MEHTA (DR.)(Human EndocrinologyScience and Society, Human Endocrinology, Fundamentals of Human Physiology, Exploring Animal World , ), A-AMIT (DR.)(Cell and Developmental Biology of AnimalsPublic Health & Hygiene, ), LCM-LOKESH CHANDRA MISHRA (DR.)( Human Physiology-Control and Coordination SystemsFundamentals of Biomolecules, ), SR-SANDHYA RATHORE (PROF.)( Sanskrit Composition and Communication, Vedic Samhita & Grammar , Classical Sanskrit Literature (Prose), ), AG-APOORVA GUPTA (DR.)(Indian EconomyIntermediate Microeconomics II:Market, Government and Welfare , IT Skills and Data Analysis I, Principles of Macroeconomics I, ), AN-ANIMESH NASKAR (DR.)(Advanced Spreadsheet Tools, Financial DerivativesIntermediate Microeconomics II:Market, Government and Welfare , ), RKM-R.K MISHRA (PROF.)( Poetics and Literary Criticism, Indian Epigraphy II, Sanskrit and World Literature, Modern Sanskrit Literature , ), MG-MANSI GUPTA (MS.)(Advanced Spreadsheet Tools, Indian Economy, Financial Economics, Intermediate Microeconomics II:Market, Government and Welfare ), VV-VAISHALI VERMA (MS.)(Statistics with R, Basic Statistics for Economics, Principles of Macroeconomics I, Intermediate Statistics for Economics), SMS-SIMRAN SETHI (MS.)(Public Finance in India, International TradePrinciples of Macroeconomics I, ), VKM-VINOD KUMAR MAYALA (DR.)(Sectoral issues in Indian Economy, International TradePrinciples of Macroeconomics I, ), BK-BAL KRISHAN (DR.)(Sectoral issues in Indian Economy, Indian Growth and DevelopmentIndian Economy, ), MMK-MADHAVI MONI K. (MS.)(Basic Econometrices, Development TheoryIntermediate Statistics for Economics, ), NY-NAMRATA YADAV (MS.)(Comparative Economic Development, Public Finance in India, Development Theory), AK-ANURAG KAKKAR (DR.)(Behavioural EconomicsGame Theory and Social Sciences (GE), Intermediate Mathematical Methods for Economics, ), SS-SHAILU SINGH (DR.)(Introductory Econometrices), RG-RITIKA GROVER (DR.)(Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Customs Law , Company Law , ), KC-KHEM CHAND (MR.)(Sales Promotion, Communication in Management, Human Resource Management, ), SG-SONAL GUPTA (MS.)(Human Resource Development, Human Resource Management, ), RCG-RAM CHAND GARG (DR.)(LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT , Business Analytics , Company Law , ), AY-ASHUTOSH YADAV (DR.)(Business Research Methods, Business Analytics , Financial Management for Beginners), SK-SUDESH KUMARI (DR.)(Corporate Governance, Leadership Development, ), MV-MANISHA VERMA (DR.)(Corporate Governance, Accounting for Managerial Decision MakingCost Accounting , ), PK-PREETINDER KAUR (DR.)(Corporate Governance, Business Analytics , ), DY-DEEPSHIKHA YADAV (MS.)(Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Customs Law , Personal Finance Planning Business Statistics , ), SK-SONU KUMAR (DR.)(Periodic Properties & Chemical Bonding, Chemical Bonding & Elements in Biological System, Nuclear & Environment Chemistry), HB-HIMANSHU BAGDI (DR.)(LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT Business Analytics , Investment Management, Human Resource Development, Cost Accounting , Sales Promotion, ), AM-ARJUN MITTAL (DR.)(Leadership Development, Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Business Analytics , Basics of Organisational Behaviour, ), ABS-APARNA BANSAL (DR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS)Chemistry of Carboxylic Acids & Their Derivatives, Amines & Heterocycles, ), AKR-AMIT KUMAR RAWAT (DR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS)Chemistry of Carboxylic Acids & Their Derivatives, Amines & Heterocycles, Chemistry of Carboxylic Acids & Their Derivatives, Amines & Heterocycles, Chemistry of Cosmetics & Hygiene Products, Polynuclear Hydrocarbons, Photochemistry, Pericyclic Reactions & Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, ), SKS-SHAILENDRA KUMAR SINGH (DR.)(Conductance, Electrochemistry & Chemical Kinetics, Phtochemistry & Spectroscopy, Electrochemical Cells, Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis, Thermodynamics & Its Applications), HS-HIMANSHI SWAMI (MS.)(LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT , Advertising, Sustainability Marketing, Cost Accounting , ), AKS-ASHISH KUMAR SINGH (DR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS)BASIC FORENSIC CHEMISTRY, Conductance, Electrochemistry & Chemical Kinetics, Reseach Methodolgy for Chemists, Carbohydrates, Lipids & Heterocyclic Compounds, ), MM-MEGHNA MALHOTRA (DR.)(Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Human Resource Development, International Business , ), RP-RENU PARASHAR (DR.)(Conductance, Electrochemistry & Chemical Kinetics, Phtochemistry & Spectroscopy, Electrochemical Cells, Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis, Thermodynamics & Its Applications), SC-SALEEM CHAUHAN (MR.)(Business Research Methods, Financial Literacy, Basics of Organisational Behaviour, Cost Accounting , ), SB-SHAMPA BHATTACHARYA (DR.)(Conductance, Electrochemistry & Chemical KineticsPhtochemistry & Spectroscopy, Electrochemical Cells, Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis, Thermodynamics & Its Applications, ), H-HIMANSHU (DR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS), Chemistry of Carboxylic Acids & Their Derivatives, Amines & Heterocycles, Chemistry of Cosmetics & Hygiene Products, Polynuclear Hydrocarbons, Photochemistry, Pericyclic Reactions & Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, Essential Food Nutrients, Ayurveda & Nutrition), NS-NAMRATA SONI (PROF.)(SOLID STATE PHYSICS Waves and Optics , Advanced Mathematical Physics II , ), DS-D. SRIKALA (DR.)(SOLID STATE PHYSICS Waves and Optics , Modern physics , Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics , ), BR-BRIJESH RATHI (DR.)(Polynuclear Hydrocarbons, Photochemistry, Pericyclic Reactions & Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, Carbohydrates, Lipids & Heterocyclic Compounds, Basic Principles of Organic ChemistryHaloalkanes, arenes, haloarenes, alcohos, phenols,ethers& epoxides, ), JG-JNANESWARI GELLANKI (DR.)(Science and Society, Digital Empowerment, Electricity andMagnetism Modern physics , MODERN PHYSICS , ), AB-AMBIKA (DR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS)Chemistry of Cosmetics & Hygiene Products, Polynuclear Hydrocarbons, Photochemistry, Pericyclic Reactions & Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, ), PT-PRATIBHA PANDEY/ TIWARI (DR.)(Principles in Quantitative Analysis & Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry & Reaction Mechanism, Atomic Structure & Chemical BondingChemistry of s & p Block Elements, ), PP-PARUL PANT (DR.)(Chemical Bonding & Elements in Biological SystemCoordination & Organometallic Compounds, Reseach Methodolgy for Chemists, Principles in Quantitative Analysis & Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry & Reaction Mechanism, ), NS-NISHANT SHANKHWAR (DR.)(Digital Empowerment BASIC IT TOOL, Transmission line antena and wave propagation , Digital signal processing , Programming using python (E), Analog Electronics 1, ), CG-CHETNA GUPTA (DR.)(Principles in Quantitative Analysis & Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry & Reaction Mechanism, Atomic Structure & Chemical BondingChemistry of s & p Block Elements, ), RPT-RAJENDER PRASAD TIWARI (DR.)(Digital Empowerment, BASIC IT TOOL, Programming using python (E), Analog Electronics 1, Digital Electronics ), JS-JYOTI SINGH (DR.)(Conductance, Electrochemistry & Chemical KineticsChemistry of Cosmetics & Hygiene Products, Phtochemistry & Spectroscopy, Electrochemical Cells, Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis, Thermodynamics & Its Applications, ), G-AS-ANAMIKA SINDHU(Phtochemistry & Spectroscopy), CJ-CHETANA JAIN (PROF.)( Transmission line antena and wave propagation Photonics , Statistical Analysis in Physics , ), SJK-SANJEEV KUMAR (DR.) PHYSICS(SOLID STATE PHYSICS, Waves and Optics Statistical Analysis in Physics , ), YG-YAGYADATTA GOSWAMI (DR.)(Semiconductor Device Technology Basic instrumentation and measurement technique , Statistical Analysis in Physics , Analog Electronics , Programming using python (P), ), MK -MUKESH KUMAR SAHU (DR.)(Statistical Mechanics, DSE Analog Electronics, BASIC IT TOOLSemiconductor Device Technology , Principal of communication system , Electrical Technology , Data visualization techiques , ), TS-TARUNA SINGH (DR.)(Role of Metals in MedicineCoordination & Organometallic Compounds, Principles in Quantitative Analysis & Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry & Reaction Mechanism, ), SK-SURENDRA KUMAR (MR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS), Chemical Bonding & Elements in Biological SystemPrinciples in Quantitative Analysis & Bioinorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of s & p Block Elements, ), SS-SONAL SHARMA (DR.)(Investment ManagementBusiness Statistics , ), G-GAGANDEEP (DR.)(BASIC FORENSIC CHEMISTRY, Role of Metals in Medicine, Reseach Methodolgy for Chemists, Ayurveda & Nutrition), SC-SHIVANI CHAUDHARY (DR.)(Science and Society, BASIC IT TOOLBasic instrumentation and measurement technique , Statistical Analysis in Physics , MODERN PHYSICS , ), MSS-MANJIT SINGH SAGGI (DR.)(Human Resource DevelopmentInternational Business , ), MD-MONICA DINODIA (DR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS), Chemistry of Cosmetics & Hygiene ProductsReseach Methodolgy for Chemists, Haloalkanes, arenes, haloarenes, alcohos, phenols,ethers& epoxides, ), MK -MANOJ KUMAR (DR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS), Periodic Properties & Chemical BondingReseach Methodolgy for Chemists, Haloalkanes, arenes, haloarenes, alcohos, phenols,ethers& epoxides, ), CY-CHANCHAL YADAV (MS.)( BASIC IT TOOLDigital signal processing , Data visualization techiques , Statistical Analysis in Physics , Documentation preparation and presentation software , Programming using python (P), ), SR-SHWETA RASTOGI (DR.)(Chemistry of Cosmetics & Hygiene ProductsPolynuclear Hydrocarbons, Photochemistry, Pericyclic Reactions & Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, Carbohydrates, Lipids & Heterocyclic Compounds, Haloalkanes, arenes, haloarenes, alcohos, phenols,ethers& epoxides, ), STC-SATISH CHAND (MR.)(Polynuclear Hydrocarbons, Photochemistry, Pericyclic Reactions & Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, Carbohydrates, Lipids & Heterocyclic Compounds, Haloalkanes, arenes, haloarenes, alcohos, phenols,ethers& epoxides), GL-GANESH LAL (DR.)(Science and SocietyDigital Empowerment, Electricity andMagnetism , Statistical Analysis in Physics , Documentation preparation and presentation software , ), SR-SUSHMA RANI (DR.)(Investment ManagementBusiness Statistics , ), HMM-HARI MOHAN MEENA (MR.)(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS)Periodic Properties & Chemical Bonding, Chemistry of Cosmetics & Hygiene Products, Chemistry of s & p Block Elements, ), KRM-KALU RAM MEENA (DR.)( Prob.and statistics, Numrical analysis , SEC- Statistics with R ), RB-RAKESH BATRA (PROF.)(Advanced linear Algebra , Advanced group theory , Vedic maths-I,Vedic maths-II, vedic maths-IV ), AS-AJEET SINGH (DR)(Advanced linear Algebra , Vedic maths-I,Vedic maths-II, vedic maths-IV Multivariate Calculus , Vedic maths-1,Vedic MATHS-II , ), PD-PREETI DHARMARAH (PROF.)(Abstract Algebra , Mathematical Modelling Complex Analysis , Bio Mathematics , ), MMM-MUKUND MADHAV MISHRA (MR.)(Abstract AlgebraComplex Analysis , Sequence & Series Functions , ), MS-MANISHA SAINI (DR.)(Advanced group theory , Vedic maths-I,Vedic maths-II, vedic maths-IV Vedic maths-1,Vedic MATHS-II , Linear Algebra , ), MS-MAHASWETTA SAIKIA (DR.)(Genomics Proteomics and MetabolomicsAdvanced tools & Analytical Techniques in Plant Biology, ), RP-RITU PANDEY (DR.)(Horticulture, Research Methodology, Economic Botany and biotechnologyDevelopmetal Biology of Angiosperms: Form, Anatomy and Function, Ayurveda &Nutrition, ), VRR-VIJAY RANI RAJPAL (PROF.)(Economic Botany and biotechnologyPlant Biotechnology, ), RP-RAM PRATAP (DR.)( Prob.and statisticsSEC: 2.Transportaion and Network Flow , Mathematical Finance , ), AS-ANAND SONKAR (DR.)(Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism, Plant Systematics), RR-ROMILA RAWAT (DR.)(Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism, Developmetal Biology of Angiosperms: Form, Anatomy and Function), M-MANDEEP (DR.)(Plant Health and Disease diagnostics, Recombinant DNA Technology and Proteomics, Plant Biotechnology, BiofertilizersMicrobiology and Plant Microbe Interactions, ), BSJ-BHAVANA SHARMA JHA (DR.)(Plant Health and Disease diagnostics, Research Methodology, Economic Botany and biotechnology, Science and Society, Mycology), AR-ARVIND (PROF.)(Linear programming NCC , Numrical analysis , ), AA-AMITA AGGARWAL (MS.)(E. mathematical Anaysis , SEC: 1.Latex Typesetting beginners Sequence & Series Functions , ), IS-ISHWAR SINGH (PROF.)(Mycology, Microbiology and Plant Microbe Interactions), HA-HARJEET ARORA (DR.)(INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR ALGEBRA Multivariate Calculus , Calculus , ), MKK -MONIKA KAUL (PROF.)(Economic Botany and biotechnologyEcology and conservation, ), JB-JYOTI BHOLA (PROF.)(INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR ALGEBRAODE , ), GRA-GURUDATT RAO AMBEDKAR (MR.)(Linear programmingVedic maths-I,Vedic maths-II, vedic maths-IV , ODE , ), RV-RAKSHA VERMA (DR.)(INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR ALGEBRA, Abstract Algebra Linear Algebra , ), KK-KAPIL KUMAR (MR.)(REAL ANALYSIS, REAL ANALYSIS, Statistics with RVedic maths-I,Vedic maths-II, vedic maths-IV , SEC- Statistics with R , Calculus , ), SV-SAVITA (DR.)(Plant Health and Disease diagnostics, Industrial and Environmental Microbiology, Developmetal Biology of Angiosperms: Form, Anatomy and Function, Microbiology and Plant Microbe Interactions), G-UT-URVASHI TOMAR(ethnobotany, Economic Botany and biotechnology, Ecology and conservation, Plant Systematics), BK-BALJEET KAUR (PROF.)(Machine Learning, Introduction to Web Programming), DK-DHEERAJ KUMAR (DR.)(Artificial Intelligence , Design and Analysis of Algorithms), RV-RICHA VERMA (DR.)(RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, Data Analysis and Visualization using Python, Foundations of Computer GraphicsCOMPUTER GRAPHICS, ), SC-SUNITA CHAND (DR.)(Computer Networks, Probability for Computing), HK-HARMEET KAUR (DR.)(Data Analysis and Visualization using PythonDatabase Management Systems, ), SK-SUYASH KUMAR (MR.)(COMPUTER NETWORKSDiscrete Mathematical Structures, ), VK-VIDHI KHANDUJA (DR.)(Data Analysis and Visualization using PythonProgramming using C++, ), SB-SANJAY BATRA (SH.)(DATA STRUCTURE USING PYTHON, Data Structures), MS-MAMTA SAINI (DR.)(Principal of communication system Analog Electronics , Electrical CircuitAnalysis , ), MB-MONA BHATNAGAR (PROF.)(Microprocessor Basic instrumentation and measurement technique , Analog Electronics , ), SK-SUSHIL KUMAR (PROF.)( Waves and Optics Electricity andMagnetism , Modern physics , Modern Physics , ), BV-BHAVNA VIDHANI (MS.)(SOLID STATE PHYSICS Mathematical Physics II , Waves and Optics , Modern physics , ), PK-PRADEEP KUMAR (DR.)(Solid State Physics , Electricity andMagnetism Analog Electronics , Electrical CircuitAnalysis , ), AP-AMAN PHOGAT (DR.)(SOLID STATE PHYSICS, Solid State Physics , Documentation preparation and presentation software Physics of Detectors , ), YK-YOGESH KUMAR (DR.)(Solid State Physics , Electricity andMagnetism , Modern physics , Analog Electronics , Solid State PhysicsElectricity andMagnetism , ), RB-RANGOLI BHATNAGAR (DR.)(Digital EmpowermentElectricity andMagnetism , Physics of Earth , Analog Electronics , THERMAL PHYSICS , ), NS-NEELAM SINGH (DR.)( Mathematical Physics II , Solid State Physics , Documentation preparation and presentation software THERMAL PHYSICS , Mathematical Physics II , ), RP-RAVIKANT PRASAD (DR.)(Electricity andMagnetism , Electrical CircuitAnalysis , Electricity andMagnetism ), NNKB-NEELAKSHI NITI KACHARI BORAH (DR.)( Mathematical Physics II , Electricity andMagnetism , Electrical CircuitAnalysis , Mathematical Physics II ), RK-RAVI KUMAR (DR.)( BASIC IT TOOL instrumenation , Microprocessor , Programming using python (E), Analog Electronics 1, Digital Electronics , Basic instrumentation and measurement technique , ), SL-SUNDAR LAL (DR.)(Abstract AlgebraLinear programming , Vedic maths-I,Vedic maths-II, vedic maths-IV , Vedic maths-1,Vedic MATHS-II , ), AS-AMIT SEHGAL (PROF.)( Transmission line antena and wave propagation , Semiconductor Device Technology , Photonics , Principal of communication system , Electrical Technology , Statistical Analysis in Physics ), G-PE-GUEST 1(RESEARCH METHODOLOGYDSE Analog Electronics, Network synthesis , ), MA-MANOJ AGGARWAL (DR.)(Computer NetworksOperating Systems, ), JM-JUSTIN MATHEW (DR.)(Fundamentals of Historical Methodology, History of Modern Europe- II, Environmental History of the Indian Subcontinent, ), SS-SHARMILA SHRIVASTAVA (DR.)(History of India VIII: c. 1857-1950, Rise of the Modern West- II, ), G-MK-MAYURAKSHI(Gender in Modern World, Fundamentals of Historical Methodology, History of India VII: 1600-1750s, Religious Traditions in the Indian Subcontinent), SM-SUDIPTA MANDAL (MR.)(Gender in Modern WorldGender in Indian History, cv. 1500-1950 , History of the USA: Reconstruction to New Age Politics, ), PJM-POOJA JHA MAITY (DR.)(ethnobotanyPlant Resources and Economic Botany, ), SM-SAHIL MEHTA (DR.)(Genetics and Molecular Biology, Ecology and EvolutionScience and Society, ), SG-SATYAKAM GUHA (DR.)(Genetics and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Evolution), AP-ABHISHEK PARASHAR (DR.)(Reading the Archives, Climate Change and Human History, History of Modern Japan (c. 1868-1950s) , ), PSA-PRABHAL SARAN AGARWAL (DR.)(Media and Cinema , History of Latin America c. 1500-1960s, Reading the Archives), OPM-OM PRAKASH MEENA (MR.)(INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR ALGEBRA, Elementary Linear Algebra, Elementary Linear Algebra, Mathematical Finance SEC: 2.Transportaion and Network Flow , ), A-ASHIMA (MS.)(INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR ALGEBRA, Elementary Linear Algebra, SEC: 2.Transportaion and Network Flow , Mathematical Finance ), SBM-SANTOSHI BHAWANI MISHRA (DR.)(Literature and Disability, English Language Through Literature IICulture and Communication , Creative Writing , Life and Literature, Indian Classical Literature, ), PD-PRACHEE DEWRI (DR.)(Literature and Disability, Developing English Language Skills IIDystopian Writing, American Literature, Indian Classical Literature, ), NC-NABANITA CHARKROBORTY (MS.)(Women and Empowerment, Speculative Fiction and Detective Fiction, Women's Writing, English Language Through Literature II, ), SM-SEEMA MEENA (MS.)(Culture and Theory, Speculative Fiction and Detective Fiction, English Language Through Literature IILiterature of the Indian Diaspora, Dystopian Writing, Indian Classical Literature, ), G1ENG-GUEST 1 (ENG)(Culture and Theory(BA.P)Modern European Drama, Creative Writing , 20th Century Drama, American Literature, ), MM-MEENAKSHI MALHOTRA (DR.(MS))(Individual and Society (BA.P), Women and Empowerment, British Literature Post World War II, Women's Writing, 20th Century Drama, Graphic Narratives, Literature of the Indian Diaspora), MD-MITHURAAJ DHUSIYA (DR.)(Culture and Theory, Research Methodology, Women's Writing, Marginalities in Indian WritingLiterature of the Indian Diaspora, Indian Writing in English Translation, ), PV-PRIYANKA VERMA (MS.)(Research Methodology, English Fluency II, Marginalities in Indian Writing, Indian Writing in English Translation, Indian Writing in English, American Literature, ), RKS-RAHUL KUMAR SINHA (MR.)(Individual and Society (BA.P), British Literature Post World War II, Developing English Language Skills II, Indian Writing in English Translation, 16th and 17th Century English Drama, ), AD-ARNAB DASGUPTA (MR.)(Culture and Theory, World Literatures, Developing English Language Skills II, Creative Writing , Indian Writing in English Translation, Indian Writing in English), MB-MAITRI BARUAH (MS.)(Individual and Society (BA.P), British Literature Post World War II, World Literatures, English Fluency II20th Century Drama, ), HK-HIMANSHU KUMAR (MR.)(Culture and Theory(BA.P), English Fluency IIGraphic Narratives, Indian Writing in English Translation, ), DP-DIVYA PANDEY (MS.)(Public Speaking in English Language and Leadership, Individual and Society, Digital Communication IIDystopian Writing, 16th and 17th Century English Drama, 14th to 17th Century English poetry
Introduction to Literary Studies, ), AD-ANCHAL DAHIYA (DR.)(Public Speaking in English Language and Leadership, Individual and Society, Individual and Society, Digital Communication II, 18th Century Literature, 16th and 17th Century English Drama, ), KW-KRITI WADHWA (MS.)(RESEARCH METHODOLOGYMathematical Modelling , Vedic maths-I,Vedic maths-II, vedic maths-IV , SEC- Statistics with R , ), RPP-RAM PRAVESH PRASAD (DR.)(Abstract Algebra, SEC: 1.Latex Typesetting beginners Integral transform , SEC: 1.Latex Typesetting beginners , Vedic maths-I,Vedic maths-II, vedic maths-IV , ), -MONIKA VIKAL(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS)Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS), ), G2ENG-GUEST 2 (ENG)(English Fluency II, Digital Communication IICulture and Communication , ), G-AD-ASHISH DIXIT(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS), QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND SPECTROSCOPY, Atomic Structure & Chemical BondingThermodynamics & Its Applications, ), G-MD-MANOJ DIXIT(QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND SPECTROSCOPY, Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (II) (EVS)Role of Metals in Medicine, Coordination & Organometallic Compounds, Nuclear & Environment Chemistry, Ayurveda & Nutrition, ), BB-BHARAT BHUSHAN (SH.)(Company Law ), G-CB-CHANDRABALA(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS)), G-OK-OM KUMAR(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS)), G-SG-SHAIFALI GARG(Environmental Science:Theory into Practice (I) (EVS)),